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Friday 16 August 2013

Moving To London PT 2


"You can stay as long as you want (Y/N)" Harry tells you "Thanks but I"m probably only staying for a week at the most " you say back to them "um Louis?" you say "yeah" he answers "can we go back to my flat I need to find some stuff for a couple of days" you tell Louis "um yeah, K guys I'll be back later" he tells the other boys walking out the front door grabbing the keys to his mustang.

(At Your Flat)

You unlock the front door and walk into the disaster you call home "okay-" you start to say "what are we looking for?" Louis asks you "Clothing, toothbrush/tooth paste, PJ's. Just stuff I need for a couple of days" you tell him. After you found what you were looking for You and Louis left your messy flat.

The car stopped at a red light you looked over at him {why does he have to be so cute} you thought to yourself as, you snapped out of your gaze as the car started to drive again. About 20 minutes later Louis pulls into his driveway.

You and Louis walk to the front door as he opens the door, you walk in and put your stuff down "What rooms mine?" you ask Louis "Um 2 door on the right" Louis reply "Thanks" you say carrying your stuff to you new room. putting on your PJ'S and going to sleep.

(In Your Dream)

You were sitting in you ex boyfriend's house remembering how abusive he was.
You were watching TV with him "Can I have a beer" he asks you "you have legs" you reply "what was that he says standing up "I said YOU HAVE LEGS" you say again he quickly punches you across the face as, you fly across the room "DON'T EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN (Y/N)! GOT IT?" he yells at you "please stop" you say as you are left in the room alone on the floor.

You wake up to Louis and Harry sitting on both sides of you "(Y/N) whats wrong?" Louis asks you as, you feel Harry rubbing your back "it's nothing just a bad dream" you tell them. "do you wanna talk about it?" Harry asks you "Guys I don't wanna keep you up with my problems" you tell them "No (Y/N) we were already awake anyway" Louis tells you.

"It was just about my stupid ex boyfriend" you say "what happened?" Harry asked you "He was really abusive" you tell them "well he can't hurt you any more" Louis says "we won't let him" Harry adds.
You all fall asleep, when you wake up Louis and Harry were still there. You Laugh at the fact that Louis was calling your name in his sleep and Harry was snoring in his sleep.

You walk over to Louis phone and text Zayn "Hey it's (Y/N) get Niall and Liam and meet me here in 20 minutes" you send him "Hey (Y/N) okay we will be there in 20 minutes why? whats wrong?" he asks 
"Just meet me here" you say. As he calls you but you don't answer.

(To Be Continued)

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