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Sunday 18 August 2013

The Surprise


You and your boyfriend Harry have been dating for 4 years today, Your on tour with Harry and the rest of the boys because you are their stylist and Harry's girlfriend. You, Harry and the rest of the boys are on the tour bus together everyone claimed bunks leaving you without so you and Harry decide to sleep together on the huge couch, You lay your head on Harry's chest while he plays with your hair. As you look at him your eyes lock, You pull Harry's head down so you can kiss. After awhile Harry gets carried away forgetting your on the bus, You pull away "Not here Harry" You tell him "come on please (Y/N)" Harry begged "No when we get to a hotel" You say "fine" Harry says pouting, as you fall asleep to the sound of his heart.

"Don't even think about it" you say as you know that Louis was gonna put wiped cream on your hand and tickle your nose, as you open your eyes you can see your right "but how" Louis pouts "4 years with you that's how" You say going back to sleep as your nose is itchy you hit Louis in the face with wipe cream as you laugh getting up and running away.

You try to run but he tackles you and starts to tickle you "No Louis stop Please" you squeal "Harry help me" you yell suddenly Louis is laughing on the ground beside you as you see Harry tickling him you stand up and start to tickle Harry as he starts laughing, till the 3 of you are on the floor and can't breath.

You stand up and walk over to the couch, Harry follows you and lies on top of you like your not even there you manage to push him off you he lands on the floor with a thud "oww" he whines "sorry" you reply.
Harry sits on the couch as you sit beside him your eyes lock as his lips and yours touch as the to of you explore each others mouths. "Awww how cute my little bro is growing so fast" Louis says smiling.

You pull away but Harry pulls you back into his lips again so you just give Louis the finger and continue.
"Oh no you did not just do that" Louis says sassing you "Louis just let them be" Zayn tells him "did you see that how rude" Louis continues. You pull away and look at Louis "what the hell Louis" you yell at him, as you walk by him to go to your bunk. "Nice one Louis" Harry says following you.

Harry pins you against the wall "now where were we?" Harry asks pressing his lips against yours. Suddenly the bus makes a sharp stop, causing you and Harry to fall. You land on Harry "Sorry" you hear Louis say, "god sometimes I want to kill him" you tell Harry "you and I both" Harry adds.

You make your way into the studio where the interview is, the boys sit on the couch. "(Y/N) come here" Harry says, you walk over and sit on his lap. "Hello boys and (Y/N)" the interviewer says "hello" you all say back to her. "So how are you guys" she asks "well we are all good" Louis answers, "so (Y/N) tell us whats it like being the boys stylist?" she asks you "well it's stressful sometimes" you reply "and why is that?" she asks "well the if I ask the boy to change into nice clothe they will change in front of me then purposely get their clothe dirty" you answer.

"so how was the drive here?" she asks "why don't you ask Harry and (Y/N)" Louis says, the interviewer looks at the too of you "good" Harry says. "more like playing tongue tag" Niall says, everyone laughs except you and Harry. "OH I see" she says "It's kinda gross if you ask me" Louis says "why is that?" she asks Louis "because every time they go into public they keep their relationship privet but as soon as they are off camera they are kissing and stuff" Louis adds.

(9 Months Later)

You are back stage at the boys concert, when you get major cramps. {its just my period} you tell yourself.
You fall to the floor and hug yours knee's because it hurts so much, Louis looks over at you and See's you on the floor "WAIT WAIT WAIT" Louis says as everyone freezes. Louis runs off stage to you, and all the boys follow. Louis gets to you first "(Y/N)? are you okay" Louis says kneeling beside you, your crying because the pain is getting worst. The rest of the boys get to you "Babe come here?" Harry says hugging you. Paul runs over "what's going on?" Paul asks "I don't know" Zayn says.

The boys carry you over to a couch and lay you there, "I feel like something is stabbing me in the gu-"you start to cry "Louis call an ambulance, Harry and Liam stay with (Y/N) and comfort her and Zayn and Niall go outside and wait for the ambulance" Paul orders "It's okay just breath" Liam says "Harry it hurts make it stop please make it stop" You say crying. 

When you see your sitting in a pile of blood you start to  cry harder "Harry what's happening to me?" you cry. The Paramedics rush in to you and put you on a stretcher and rush you to the ambulance.
When you got to the hospital, all the boys were there. Harry walked over to you as the brought you into the emergency room. "sorry but you gonna have to wait out there" the nurse tells Harry. Harry walks over to the other boys and waits. The doctor comes over to you "Your pregnant and you are in labour" he tells you.

(20 Minutes Later) 

The boys come in and see you holding your new born baby girl. They walk over to you "what should we name our new daughter" You ask Harry "I was thinking Darcy" you say "I love it" Harry says. "can I?" Harry asks "sure" you say, You lay back tired. "That was one of the scariest concerts of my life" Liam says "me too I thought I was dying" you told them.

(2 Days Later)

You were backstage at the boys concert "(Y/N) come on out" the boys call you. You carry Darcy on stage "and this is my new daughter Darcy and my girlfriend (Y/N)" Harry says taking Darcy "say hi baby" Harry says you take Darcy and head backstage. when the boys come off the stage you and Darcy are asleep on the couch. "Don't touch her" you say out loud opening your eyes to see Louis about to take Darcy.
"Can I see her?" Liam asks you "sure"you say placing Darcy in Liam's arms. Harry sits beside you, he pulls you into a kiss "will you marry me?" Harry asks pulling out a ring "yes" you say smiling and pulling him into a kiss.

By: Shannon

Saturday 17 August 2013



You were sitting on One Direction's tour bus while you were on tour with them since your boyfriend was Niall Horan. You were on their huge couch typing out you huge essay for history class. You were really stressed out, at one point you closed your textbook and threw it across the bus then screaming "I'M DONE, I'M SO DONE" You walk over to your bunk, climbing in and closing your curtain as you hide under the covers as you pull out your phone and check twitter as you see all the hate people are sending you because you and Niall told the world about your relationship a week ago. You open the curtain and chuck your phone, it lands on the first step coming into the bus as you start to sob.

You hear the boys open bus door "why is (Y/N)'s phone here?" you heard Zayn ask the boys "Shhhhh" Liam says You try to stop crying but can't, you hide your head under the cover. Suddenly you hear the curtain open "(Y/N)? are you okay?" Liam asks you, "I'm Fine" you say from under the covers.
"You don't sound fine" Harry says. You feel someone remove the covers from your body as you are taken out of the bunk, you look to see who you are gonna have to yell at but you see Niall. He carries you over to the couch.

You and Niall are cuddling when you start to sob again, "OH MY GOD" Zayn says looking at your phone.
Liam, Louis and Harry walk over to see what Zayn was looking at you see their expressions they were horrified at what they saw "Why?" Liam asks.

Harry grabbed his computer that you were working on and started a twit cam "hey guys" Harry says sitting on the couch the Liam and Louis both sit beside him "hello" they both say. Zayn gives your phone to Niall you run back to your bunk climbing in and closing the curtain as you sob under the covers.

A couple seconds later the curtain is opened Niall climbs in wrapping his arms around you pulling you closer to him "(Y/N) you should have told me about what they were saying to you" Niall says to you, as you sob into his chest "Niall they are never gonna stop" you tell him "not until we break up" you add "yes they will I wont let them hurt you anymore" Niall says.

Harry brings the computer over to you and Niall "You guys really need to leave (Y/N) alone" Zayn says as Harry points the camera at you and Niall "Can't you see it's hurting them" Harry adds "when ever you insult (Y/N) you hurt me too" Niall says "Just please stop" Liam adds.

(2 Weeks Later)

The hate had stopped since the twit cam, "we are going to Nando's wanna come Niall asks walking over to you "I have a lot of homework that I have to do and I'm not hungry" you tell him "Okay we'll be back soon" Niall says. You finally finish today's assignment 2 hours after everyone went out so you decide to go on Twitter, everyone keeps sending a link to a website you click on it and are taken to the website, you see the whole website is about you and how much everyone hates you. You grab your phone and leave the hotel,
You start walking down the lite up street as you cry.

You look around to see if you notice anything familiar but you don't, you sit on a nearby bench and start to sob thinking great now I'm lost they finally got what they wanted suddenly your phone rings it's Zayn you answer "hi"you say sobbing "where are you?" Zayn quickly asks "I don't know" you say, you hear Zayn talking to the boys " I'm on the phone with her" Zayn says "where is she" Paul asks "she doesn't know" Zayn says. "okay (Y/N) what do you see?" Paul asks you "I see Starbucks and Pizza Hut" you tell him as the line went dead. Your phone just died "even better" you mutter as it starts to pouring rain.

You just sit there shivering in the rain "(Y/N)" you hear someone say you quickly look up and see Zayn walking towards you. He grabbed his phone and called Paul "hello" Paul says "I found her" Zayn says "where?" Paul asks "centre street" Zayn says then hung up. Zayn say you shivering and took off his jacket and put it on you "thanks" you say curling up against him. 

Zayn picked you up and carried you onto the bus, he put you on the couch where all the boys were sitting Liam wrapped you in a blanket as you see Niall. You cuddle against him as he wraps his arms around you "Don't ever do that to me again" he whispers in you ear "I'm sorry Nialler"you say "I needed to clear my head and got lost" you say again.

Niall carried you up to your room, You get out of your wet clothe and jump into the shower.
When you got out you grabbed one of his shirts and climbed into bed, then there was a knock at the door
Niall lets all the boys in the room. Niall climbed into bed and wrapped his arm around you "come here for a second I wanna show you guys something" you say. All the boys gather around the computer, as you pull the website up on the screen. "How did you find this?" Zayn asked. "Directioner's kept tweeting me a link" you tell them "But you know what? I don't care anymore" you add "(Y/N) you shouldn't have to put up with this" Liam says "I didn't tell you because it was my problem and yes I do Liam I do it because I can't stand the thought of loosing you" You say as you kiss Niall Passionately on the lips.

By: Shannon